
Our Mission

The American Psychological Association Division 44 Committee on Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) focuses on research, practice, and education about consensually non-monogamous relationships. These diverse forms of consensually non-monogamous relationships include, but are not limited to, polyamory, open relationships, swinging, and other types of ethical non-monogamous relationships. 

The Committee on CNM seeks to address the needs of people who practice consensual non-monogamy, including needs that may arise from the intersection of CNM with their other marginalized identities. Our five primary purposes reflect those of APA Division 44:  

  1. Basic and Applied Research: Advance the understanding of CNM through basic and applied research

  2. Psychological Practice: Promote the development and delivery of affirmative psychological services to CNM-identified individuals

  3. Education and Training: Promote education and training on CNM across contexts and audiences

  4. Social Justice: Use psychological knowledge to advocate for the advancement of social justice, public interest and the welfare of people engaged in CNM

  5. Public Awareness: Inform the general public about research, practice, education, training, and advocacy efforts related to CNM

This is an official website of the Committee on Consensual Non-monogamy, Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, Division 44 of the American Psychological Association. All content and views expressed on this site do not represent the position of the American Psychological Association or any of its other Divisions or subunits.